Thyroid imbalance or Adrenal Fatigue?
Skin breakouts? Denting your confidence!
Aches and pains and inflammation throughout your body?
Chronic Stress that is making you feel Overwhelmed?
Anxiety or Depression?
Feeling unable to get through the day because you are so tired?
Feeling irritable, moody and angry?
Hot flushes ruining your confidence?
Feel bloated after eating anything?
Food cravings for sweet or salty foods?
Then you are moments away from discovering all the natural ways to rebalance your whole health!
By working on your WHOLE HEALTH alongside your hormones you can feel like you were 20 years younger!
This is where my clients re-evaluate their mindset as Most people need a goal and a crystal-clear vision to work towards when making any changes in their lives
Its the stuff you have to do before you get started!
Create new habits that you actually keep to
Create your vision for all areas of your life
Assess your attitude and personal responsibility to make your changes
Understanding what's happening to your body is crucial when following a plan for health or wellness. Knowing the reasons behind certain guidelines can help motivate you to stick to the plan. Whether it's about nutrition, exercise, or lifestyle changes, understanding the science behind it can make it feel less subjective and more purposeful and instinctive.
Rebuild the integrity of the gut to ensure perfect immunity
Learn how to cleanse and detox your body
Heal your gut to be able to process excess hormones
Reducing toxins and detoxing from your body and your environment can have significant benefits for your health and well-being.
By incorporating these tips and tools into your daily routine, you can significantly reduce your exposure to toxins and support your overall health and well-being.
Receive Balancing Homeopathic Remedies
Learn how to accelerate your healing with movement that suits everyone
Learn daily self care habits
Say goodbye to stress and anxiety
My clients do The Daily Health Accelerator Protocol and effectively support their body to have the greatest results and regain their best health with the work they are already doing in Modules 1-3. It is a fundamentally important part of the process.
Choose your favourite delicious menu plan to re-energise your Body - you can be sure you will be eating exactly what your body needs
Understanding what different food groups do to your body is crucial for maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.
the body is changing all the time due to hormonal changes – which means the body has different nutritional needs
We were all surprised by this but years ago nobody realised or acknowledged that peri-menopause could cause such emotional and physical disturbances.
My lack of sleep turned out to be a lack of melatonin. My hair had started to fall out and I was gaining weight, this was because my hormones had affected my thyroid gland – even though the test said I was borderline –I was not feeling good, and I had all the symptoms.
I took homeopathic remedies for all my symptoms because homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s self-healing processes - and this was my cure medicine – all natural with no side effects and that was all I needed.
I was already eating very healthily but I changed up my diet to work with my hormones and took natural remedies and I quickly started to feel more like myself. I slowed down a little and took time for self-care and this is why I developed The Natural Menopause Navigator to help other women in the same situation and over 20 years I have helped thousands of women regain balance the natural way.
I had to stop and prioritise my own well-being, I felt out of control of my life but I turned everything completely around in no time at all - once I had stopped to look after myself! Despite the demanding responsibilities of being a mother of 2 children and running my own busy Naturopathic Practice always looking after everyone else - except me! I showed my children and clients the importance of self-care through my actions.
Plus I was too young to be affected by peri-menopause….!?
I felt low in mood, I had less and less energy, I felt bloated and started to put on weight for no reason. Then my hair started to fall out and I was very moody! I stopped and took control of my health …because I could have gone to the GP and been given anti-depressants for my mood…but instead
… I had the exact tests that I needed:
You are peri-menopausal, menopausal or post menopause and have unwanted symptoms – maybe you are taking HRT and want to upscale your your benefits
You want a fun and exciting journey back to the new you
You are aged 40 years plus and want to prepare your body for peri-menopause because you want to be on your A Game!
Women in menopause or post menopause to ensure your best health
You are fed up with your current symptoms and want to get the old you back
You are ready to make a positive change in your life and invest in yourself
You want your relationship with your partner to be fabulous again
You want to stop premature aging from the inside out because of the menopause
You want a strategy to ensure you will be in the absolute best health you can for a long, happy, healthy life post menopause
You want to improve your overall health naturally and balance your hormones and sail through menopause
You if you want to make time for yourself
You if you want your life back
Within the first week of taking the homeopathic balancing remedies I felt such a positive difference in my health and mental health, I felt uplifted and supported, at
the same time making easy changes to my daily routine that I now keep to.
You will get all the latest protocols to cleanse your body and mind.
But its not just that as I have an almost endless list of client case studies from people that have made the same journey that I made myself and gone on to live a vibrant healthy lifestyle with abundant energy and have gone on to help other people to make great changes in their lives
Catherine’s 25 years's worth of experience in clinic is very evident in understanding all
combinations of women's menopause symptoms which clearly enables Catherine to
provide an in-depth insight to personal guidance and support during 1-1 sessions.
Catherine's approach is holistic and insightful. Recognizing that hormone balance is not isolated from overall health but rather intertwined with it is crucial for achieving optimal well-being. By emphasizing the importance of whole health, Catherine helps women understand that factors like nutrition, exercise, stress management, and
mental well-being all play significant roles in hormonal balance.
I have dedicated over 20 years in refining the Natural Menopause Navigator Programme and as a Naturopath I bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the programme tailored to the specific symptoms women can encounter during menopause. I understand that each person's experience with menopause is unique and multifaceted which is addressed in the group and one-to one sessions.
This means you are getting the very latest up to date fast track bio-hacking way to alleviate your menopause symptoms and improve you whole health
DUTCH hormone test -(value £400) includes analysis & recommendations
Three one hour personal video consultations with Catherine
UNLIMITED messaging access to Catherine to ask anything-any time
Includes Modules 1-4
Pdf documents
Workbooks, Journals, Guides
The Self Paced Programme
4 weekly live video group sessions with Catherine
FB group to support each other